In this page you will find an interactive map with numerous climate stations.
If you click on each marker, a popup containing very interesting graphs about that location last years climate will be opened. You can close each popup either clicking in the top right corner cross or by clicking anywhere on the map.
The SPEI (Standardised Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index) index is used for determining the onset, duration and magnitude of drought conditions with respect to normal conditions. This index is calculated from monthly mean temperature and mensual accumulated precipitation data, and its value can be calculated for different temporal scales.
Positive values of SPEI indicate that there is more entrance of water by precipitation than output by evaporation.
This map contains several layers, each one with different lenghts of the SPEI index. You can choose a period lenght of 1,3,6 or 12 months by using the popup of the right-hand corner of the map. The number in the index name indicates the lenght of the period that each bar represents.
To center the view on the chart, move the mouse while you press the left mouse at any point on the map and move around the map until you get a better view of the popup.
If you are having any trouble to see the images attached to each popup, you can open it in another tab (rigth click on the image + "Open image in a new tab").
For more detailed info visit this page dedicated to the study of the SPEI index.
Click here to visualize another climate variable.
© 2020 Alejandro Rodríguez Sánchez. All rights reserved. ·
Graphs included in this interactive map are updated every 15 days.